Many national newspapers have released news items regarding an inquiry that has been launched into allegations the Metropolitan Police shredded documents months after a probe into undercover policing began.
Whilst the case unfolds very publicly, hopefully some good will come of it for Shredall SDS Group.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said it is looking into claims that the Met's National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit destroyed paperwork in May.
The public inquiry into undercover policing was announced in March 2014. The Met said it is committed to co-operating with the investigation.
The IPCC said documents should not have been destroyed "without express permission".
IPCC spokeswoman Sarah Green comments: "While the evidence indicates that a large number of documents were shredded over a period of days in May 2014, the difficult task ahead for our investigators is to determine what the documentation was, why it was destroyed, whether electronic copies were kept and who may have ordered its destruction."
The then Home Secretary Theresa May ordered the public inquiry following a number of accusations about the conduct of officers deployed to spy on political groups.
The Met said in a statement it had notified the IPCC about the possible shredding of documents by the National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit in May 2016, but the allegation was not recorded until December 2016.
"The reason why it was not progressed further at that stage is unclear and will also be subject of the investigation by the IPCC," the statement said.
"The MPS has briefed the Public Inquiry into Undercover Policing regarding the referral."
National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) CEO Bob Johnson, comments “even news about events where shredding is potentially used for the wrong reasons can demonstrate the merits of sound and vigilant information destruction practices.
The overwhelming majority of businesses are required by law to protect personal information of the customers and employees,” When other organizations are accused of shredding for the wrong reasons, it reminds those who must destroy discarded information that they need to demonstrate everything is being done above board and in conformance with standard operating procedures.”
Shredall SDS CEO, Lloyd Williams, comments
“When selecting an information destruction company, steps should be taken to ensure they will protect your data until it has been safely destroyed,”
“Often these steps are common sense, but surprisingly the major consideration is the initial financial cost rather than the positive assurance gained from using an accredited destruction company.”
Lloyd continues “Companies should make sure their choice of company uses security vetted personnel, that they have clear and secure procedures from collection through to destruction, that you have selected the appropriate destruction particle shred size for the material being destroyed and that they provide a legally binding destruction certificate.”
For more information, contact Shredall – 03333 555 100