Do you need to get hold of Shredall Operations urgently?
We have now set up an email account which will be answered within the hour for any operational related queries.
Shredall Queries -
You will receive an automatic email reply with a ticket number reference. Your query will be allocated to a member of our dedicated operations team who will deal with your request and get back to you with a resolution.
Customer Common queries…
- When is my next Shredding Service?
Shredall will be able to send you a list of the years schedule for when we are due to service your site.
- Can I change my schedule?
Shredall will send you an altered and more preferable schedule to suit your working days and hours.
- Can I add another console/shredding bin to my contract?
Via the service desk this can be easily sorted for you and a delivery date will be given.
- How much paper have I recycled?
We are ISO 14001 compliant and paper recycling is something we strongly encourage. Shredall will be able to tell you the amount of paper you have recycled at the click of a button.
- Can I have copies of your compliance certificates?
If you are having a company audit or simply want compliance certificates sending over, Shredall will gladly do this for you.
If you have any other queries then please e-mail and one of our dedicated team will get back to you as a matter of urgency.