Our Blog
The Top 7 Benefits of Document Scanning
From enhanced security, to cost savings, find out exactly why your business should be using a document scanning service.
How to Conduct a Waste Audit to Save Money
Find out how your business can save money with a waste audit.
A Guide to Recycling Christmas Cards
Find out the right way to recycle your Christmas cards.
What Is Goods Receipt & Delivery Note Processing Costing Your Business?
Learn more about GRNs and how to automation can help improve their efficiency.
Filing System Ideas for Small Businesses
From choosing a filing matrix, to using a document management system, find out the different filing system tactics for small businesses...
What is a PO (Purchase Order) Number?
Learn what a PO is and what information should be included.
The Environmental Benefits of Shredding
From reducing your carbon footprint, to supporting sustainable business practices, learn how shredding can benefit the environment here.
How to Dispose of an Old Computer
Find out the best way to dispose of your computer and sensitive information stored on their hard drives.